I am number 3 of 6 children. I have or had 2 bothers and 3 sisters. Celeste, Mike, Me, Joe, Mary and Colleen. Our parents Names were Pat and Joe. Mom passed in 1993 from cancer at a young age of 56. Dad passed in 2000 from the flu two weeks after the new year. Joe and Mike passed in April and May of 2009, both way to young, 53 and 49. I do have children from my second marriage Rick and Jack. Of course Rick is a Jr., not sure I would do that again, and Jack was named after his mothers father Jack. Both are married, Rick to Trisha and Jack to Christy. As of this FAQ; we have 8 grand children. Rick has 3 children, I also have two step children Kori and Kendall both great kids who have children of their own.